Dianelys is a science researcher in the Science and Technology department at the National University of Quilmes, where she has been teaching chemistry and physics since 2012.
Dianelys has also worked as science researcher in the Radiopharmacy department at the National Isotopes Center in Havana, Cuba.
Dianelys participated in the Computer Simulation Methods for Proteins Training in the EU Marie Curie Project (University of Padua, Italy), and in the Computer Simulation Methods Training at the University of Florida (Gainesville, USA).
Her academic articles have appeared in scientific journals such as The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, Nature Communications, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Scientific Reports (London) and Editorial Académica Española.
"A definition of the word chemistry is that it is the natural science which studies the composition, structure and transformation of matter. If we can understand matter even in its most basic form, we can contribute to technological development, great medical advances, methods to protect the environment, and finally, to heighten our values as a society".
Dianelys Ondarse Álvarez
In addition to her Bachelor of Science and her PhD degrees, Dianelys has pursued postgraduate courses and training including: Chromatographic Techniques, Advanced Computer Simulation (UBA), Mechano-quantum Fundamentals on The Structure and Reactivity of Atoms and Molecules (UNQ), Statistics and Design of Experiments, Biochemical Engineering, Chemical Reactions Engineering, Applied Thermodynamics (University of Matanzas, Cuba).